Steven (Steve) Arthur Yungerberg died on Easter Sunday at the
Martin Luther Home in Bloomington MN after a short battle with
A memorial service will be May 19,
2017 at 2:00 P.M.at Wayzata Community
Church , 125 Wayzata Boulevard East,Wayzata, MN.
Steve was born April 2, 1949 to Violet and
Arthur Yungerberg, He graduated from
Mankato High School in 1967 and Mankato
State College in 1972. Following college,
Steve moved to Minneapolis and in 1980,
formed an executive search firm, Steven Yungerberg, Assoc.
Steve married Vicki Bjork on March 26, 1977 in Minneapolis..
Steve is survived by his wife Vicki, sons Stephen and Andrew,
his sister Candy (Tim) Bell, nieces Holly (Matt) Bennett Etzell,
and Meghan (Nelson) Corazzari. Steve was preceded in death by
his parents.
Robert Ekstam
I got to know Steve better while we attended MSU. I can still hear his infectious laugh!
Robert Ekstam
It's always sobering to read of another classmate's passing. I got to know Steve better while we attended MSU. I can still hear his infectious laugh! RIP!
James Fredrickson
I'm real sorry to hear of Steve's passing. I was looking forward to seeing him in September at the reunion. We were close friends our junior and senior years at MHS. He could sure make me laugh! I remember the time he and I drove over to Rochester to visit Jim Graeff who was recovering from a near-fatal staff infection. We decided to dress up in suits and ties (Steve's idea) and when we arrived at the hospital we pretended to be doctors visiting the famous Mayo Clinic. After visiting Jim, we continued our charade at a fancy restaurant in Rochester. Whenever the waitress or somebody would walk by we'd address each other as "Dr. Fredrickson" or "Dr. Yungerberg" and discuss our latest medical procedure or discovery. I'm sure most people wondered what sort of prank these two 17-year-old high school kids were up to. Our cover was blown when neither of us knew how to pay the bill! What a riot - all Steve's idea! He was a great guy.