In Memory

Craig Cullen

Craig Cullen

Veterinarian Craig Cullen passed away on Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011, in Freeport, Maine as a result of lung cancer.

Craig was survived by his mother and two sisters, Candace of Franklin, Kentucky and Beth of Bowling Gree, Kentucky. Craig was preceded on death by his wife Jill who had been one of Craig's students and was alo a veterinarian. Jill also died of cancer a few years. Jill had two daughters by a previous marriage.

Craig's full name is William Craig Cullen, born on May 24, 1949. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Yarmouth, Cumberland County, Maine.

There was no formal obituary published. This information was given to Harley Goff by Betty Rademacher, Jim's mother.

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01/17/12 04:12 PM #1    

Steve Tryhus

My dad  Roy Tryhus and Craig's father Clough Cullen were very good friends - together they started a company called KATO Toys - producing a plastic rubberband gun similar to the one kid's made out of wood during their youth.  The company started out strong -  the next hulla-hoop - even made it on the Steve Allen show.  But like so many other small companies without a bus full of lawyers and a few hundred thousand for advertising they went bust. 

Craig and I grew up in the same neighborhood and were good friends through highschool - both Eagle Scouts and we also played music together.  We played as a duo - remember the "Bean Song" - the "Green Briars" ? I think we brought down the house that day in '65.

Craig Cullen died on easter Sunday last year 2011 of throat cancer.  May he rest in peace...





                                                                                                                                    Steve Tryhus

01/19/12 06:34 PM #2    

Dennis "Kip" Alexander

This is a sad surprise.  Maria and I got together with Craig several times while he lived up in Maine.

02/18/12 08:26 PM #3    

Cassie Hapke (Bunker)

Real  fond memories of Craig, as a good and decent person, even as a young guy! When it wasn't that easy to be to be one.

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